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Engineering Consultancy


Our Services (Skills & Competencies)


1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study

a. Developing Project Document for the proposed project

b. Field work execution and data collection

c. Writing up the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

d. Obtaining the EIA license from the environmental authority




         2. Waste Management

         a. Designing municipal waste including solid and liquid

         b. Waste management collection

          c. Recycling









      3. Forest and Tourism Managementec3

      a. Landscape and urban forest design

      b. Agroforestry and industry plantation

      c. Conservation natural resources

      d. Design Feasibility Study of tourist management







ec4       4. Risk Management Consulting

       a. Risk Identification and Risk Analysis

       b. Risk Control and Mitigation

       c. Risk Recommendation

      d. Regulatory Compliance

      e. Hazard identification study (HAZIDS) for Project engineering construction and Design

      f. Hazard operability study (HAZOPS)

     g. Job hazard Analysis (JHA)



5. Project Management

Our project management systems provide for effective project management and control.


The following outlines the steps we take for effective project management.


a. Setting the project objective

b. Defining the scope of the project work

c. Identifying the project activities

d. Identifying the project resources

e. Defining the project timeframe

f. Determining the project budget

g. Identifying potential risks associated with project execution

